

Welcome to Cult of Jupiter, a website I’ve created with which to share some of the knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. I wish to discuss a wide range up subjects, all centred around this shared experience of being human.

Why 'Cult of Jupiter'?

We have a lot of bad associations today with the word ‘cult’. It is used to describe some of the most controlling, life destroying institutions one can imagine, that were more likely than not ran by government agencies. The word itself means a form of worship that is not part of a mainstream religion. Perhaps this is why the word has been so demonised.

In astrology, Jupiter is the bringer of prosperity and joy, good will, optimism and adventure. It is through the embracement of life, adventure and joy that we conduct our worship. I hope that my writing might convey some of this spirit and help give weary readers a new zest for life.

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