The atheist claims that the existence of God has long been disproved by logic, and made redundant by science, but the god they have cut down is little more than a straw man, perhaps the creation of some nefarious plot, or perhaps just a side-effect of an overly dogmatic church. Whatever the case may be this straw man is actively worshipped by churchgoers, placing a nigh unbreakable barrier between themselves and their knowledge of the divine. The Gnostics referred to this god as the demiurge, a demigod who fools its believers into thinking there was none above it, perhaps unaware itself of the truth: that it is not the highest being. The highest being is not a creator god as it is commonly referred, for creation implies distinction between that which creates and that which is created. The highest God, spelt with a capitol ‘G’, was not created nor does God create, but from God all things eminate. God is neither man or woman, good or bad, for one denies the other and such limits do not fit the infinite. Any name given it will be for lack of a better one, any description will necessarily fall short.
The waking revelation of this highest of beings is of a pure and brilliant light. More common to us is the experience of dreamless sleep. But the most sacred experience of God is through the splendour of life, where we can see God’s infinite beauty unfolding before us. Everything you see and hear, touch, smell and taste, is of God. We ourselves are not separate from God, and indeed our eyes are God’s eyes, our ears God’s ears. Our every thought and feeling come from nowhere else but God. They are God’s thoughts and they are God’s feelings. All are pieces of the one whole.
God does not move, but sits motionless at the very centre of existence. At this point there is no space and no time. All is love and unity, all is brilliant light and the music of the highest sphere. A moment here lasts an eternity and each eternity a moment. From without there is endless darkness. A sacred mystery to be discovered. The light and darkness share union, and from this union is born a child: Man. The light that reveals the darkness and the darkness that divides the light. The shadows that emerge form the world. Our movement from the light creates the illusions of space and time. The oneness unfolds into mandala patterns of ever increasing complexity. The more complex and fragmented, the further it is from God, but in truth nothing has moved, all is at peace and everything is as it should be. Each moment we live is a snapshot of the infinite, each lifetime a photo album. Nothing is created, nothing goes away. All is being sifted through the consciousness of God.