

Zero is the void. It is the empty space in which all else resides. But because it contains all, it is all, only it is everything in a formless state with no distinction between one thing and the next, one moment or the next. It is the primordial force behind all existence, from whence it comes and to where it will inevitably return. If the void is ever illustrated it is usually as a swirling spiral, depicting its constant motion, its chaos, the churning of all in an endless sea of nothingness. 

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents zero, being both the end of the cycle and the point where the next cycle begins. The sign of Pisces is a feminine sign and so too is the number zero, forming the female half of the highest being. It is the sign of mutable water, water in motion, such as the whirling currents of the ocean, the rushing of rapids, or the turbulence of a waterfall, each of which being destructive and chaotic in nature, but by the same token creative and regenerative. A mother must eat in order to sustain the growth of her new life. This void then is the primordial womb from which all life is born. The sound from within the womb is like the ocean or a waterfall, or the static of an out of tune radio. 

Numerologically the zero is represented with a circle, a symbol of the infinite cycle. A common depiction of this concept is the ouroboros, the snake consuming itself and thus curled up in an ‘o’ shape. This is a symbol for the nature of reality, the creative nature of destruction and vice versa. Everything consumes and is in turn itself consumed, only to be transmutated and reborn as something else. The snake of The Garden of Eden appears to exist beyond God’s will, tempting Adam and Eve to defy His instructions. Through this act of consumption they are banished from the garden and forced into the world as we know it, with toil and suffering to complement our pleasure and joy. The snake, traditionally recognised as a symbol of wisdom, moves us from a timeless realm without meaning and into reality where we have purpose and drive. 

The circle also represents a hole, emptiness, void. But throughout history, and until quite recently, we have believed that space is not fundamentally empty, but that it consists of aether, the substance that contains all others. So-called ‘empty space’ is thus only empty in appearance, and full of potential.

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